New Italian decree reduces time for approving renewable energy projects
The Italian Council of Ministers on 25 definitively approved the draft legislative decree on administrative regimes for the production of energy from renewable sources, seeking to streamline the related administrative procedures. The new framework, which will come into force by the end of the year, is led by the Minister of Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto, the Minister of Public Administration, Paolo Zangrillo, and the Minister of Institutional Reforms, Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati.
The decree defines three administrative pathways—free activity, Simplified Enabling Procedure (PAS), and Unified Authorization—based on the type, scale, and location of energy projects. This aligns with the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), aimed at simplifying, consolidating, and unifying renewable energy regulations.
Minister Pichetto emphasized the importance of an efficient system for advancing Italy’s climate and energy goals. “This reform simplifies administrative procedures, safeguards environmental protections, and fosters private investment certainty,” he said, highlighting its transformative potential.
Key provisions:
- Free activity:
- No permits or approvals are required, except in cases of landscape constraints.
- Landscape authority decisions must be issued within 30 days, down from the current 45 days.
- Refurbishing or repowering existing plants eliminates the need for landscape permits entirely.
- Simplified Enabling Procedure (PAS):
- Applies to projects not requiring complex permitting or environmental evaluations.
- Deadlines range from 30 to 75 days, depending on administrative involvement.
- Current procedures, often delayed by environmental reviews, can extend for up to two years.
- Unified authorization:
- For projects exceeding 300 MW, authorization is handled by the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (MASE).
- Offshore projects are exclusively under MASE jurisdiction, without needing regional agreements.
Notable changes:
- Regional autonomy:
- Regions can opt to continue using the existing Unified Regional Authorization Procedure (PAUR) for projects under regional environmental review (VIA), provided all permits are issued within two years.
- “Acceleration zones”:
- Introduced as part of Italy’s PNRR obligations, these areas are designated for fast-tracking renewable projects.
- Located through strategic planning and subject to Strategic Environmental Assessment (VAS).
- Projects in these zones benefit from advanced procedural simplifications, including exemption from environmental impact assessments if mitigation measures are implemented.
The new framework incorporates amendments proposed by the Unified Conference and feedback from parliamentary committees, ensuring a balanced approach to administrative reform, regional governance, and environmental priorities.
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