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EDPR chooses UK for its first stand-alone battery storage project in Europe

EDP Renewables (EDPR) will install its first stand-alone Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) project in Europe, based in the United Kingdom

The project will contribute with approximately 50 MW of capacity to the power grid and will provide 2 hours of storage capacity. The asset will play a crucial role in grid management, offering flexibility and supporting the government’s strategy for renewable energy in the UK.

This first storage system developed by EDPR will be located in Kent, England, and has been acquired from Tupa Energy, a British company specializing in utility-scale battery storage, as well as other technologies. This project is expected to become operational by the end of 2024.

"The integration of storage systems will play a crucial role in the renewable energy mix of the future, as it will contribute to address the challenge of intermittency. By mitigating the impact of external factors that can affect availability, these systems are key in overcoming one of the main limitations faced by renewables across Europe, while producing no emissions," said Miguel Stilwell d’Andrade, CEO of EDPR.

The UK stands out as the most advanced market in Europe for the development of battery storage assets, leveraging a comprehensive regulatory framework. This includes a Capacity Market that provides a fixed floor with a 15-year tenor. Currently, the country already has 2.2 GW of battery projects connected to the grid, with an additional 2 GW under construction.



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