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ESC urges EU member states to tackle persistent barriers to energy storage in national energy and climate plans

The Energy Storage Coalition (ESC) has called on EU member states to move in the right direction in the wake of the challenges facing energy storage.

According to the association, National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) are essential documents where EU countries outline their national strategy over the next 10 years to meet the EU energy and climate targets for 2030. As it is estimated that the EU-wide energy storage capacity needs to be doubled for the EU to reach its climate objectives, Member States must address existing barriers to energy storage and provide long-term guidance for its development.

However, while many countries acknowledge the role of energy storage for energy security and the decarbonisation of their energy system, most of the draft NECPs already published often overlook simple steps to take, said the ESC.

To address persistent barriers to energy storage, the ESC said Member States should undertake several key actions. Firstly, they need to conduct a precise flexibility assessment, incorporating long-term energy storage considerations. Additionally, establishing a comprehensive strategy on energy storage is crucial to guide its development effectively. Furthermore, addressing common obstacles at the national level, such as the issue of double charging, is essential for the success of energy storage projects. Lastly, maintaining a technology-neutral approach is recommended, allowing for the deployment of all available energy storage solutions to ensure a diversified and resilient energy infrastructure.

By region

For some countries, such as Spain, the ESC recommends the implementation of concrete measures and the redesign of capacity mechanisms, which will be particularly important to achieve these objectives.

In another scenario, the association explains that Portugal's strategy is not technology neutral and solutions that would otherwise be available to bridge the energy storage gap.

Its analysis also notes that France highlights the development of overall flexibility and electricity storage batteries as a priority to ensure security of supply. However, the NECP falls short of listing a coherent set of measures constituting a comprehensive energy storage strategy. As for the country's flexibility assessment, the plan mentions the "Bilan prévisionnel 2023" report, which forecasts flexibility needs but does not provide a volume dedicated to storage. Finally, although not mentioned in the NECP, double charging for pumped hydro storage is maintained.


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