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Ormat launches a 20 MW storage plant in New Jersey

Ormat announced the commencement of commercial operations at its Montague energy storage facility in New Jersey.

According to the company, this 20 MW/20 MWh battery energy storage system (BESS) will provide ancillary services on the merchant market to PJM.

The Montague project is expected to be eligible for a 30% investment tax credit. With the addition of Montague, Ormat’s total capacity in the PJM market increases to 120 MW/120 MWh.

Doron Blachar, CEO of Ormat Technologies, noted, “With the addition of Montague, Ormat now operates 290 MW/658 MWh of energy storage projects, and we have several additional projects currently under construction, demonstrating our strong development capabilities and our commitment to achieving our energy storage portfolio capacity target of 950 MW-1050 MW/2.5 GWh-2.9 GWh by 2028".


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