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Germany breaks historical records in onshore wind energy permits

Germany breaks records in onshore wind energy in 2024, with a total of 2,405 onshore wind installations (WTGs) approved, with a capacity of 14,056 MW.

In the auctions by the Federal Network Agency, 1,890 WTGs with 10,996 MW were awarded. Both figures represent historical highs, according to a joint assessment by the Federal Association for Wind Energy and VDMA Power Systems, which was carried out for the first time this year by the specialized agency for wind and solar energy.

The total installed capacity increases to around 63,460 MW. With 635 WTGs and 3,251 MW of capacity, the gross expansion in 2024 remains slightly below the level of the previous year, and thus slightly below the forecasts of the two associations, which had projected up to 4,000 MW.

Dr. Dennis Rendschmidt, Managing Director of VDMA Power Systems, pointed out that “the significantly higher number of approvals and awards illustrates the recovery of the German market and signals a new dynamic for the industry. This is an important step in the right direction. The new federal government must ensure that this momentum is maintained. The expansion of wind energy must continue relentlessly because it secures our energy supply, reduces electricity costs, and creates jobs! Despite this positive development, much still needs to be done to close the gap between actual expansion and political expansion targets. Only by decisively removing obstacles can approvals and awards quickly be translated into completed projects. For example, it is necessary to standardize the requirements for heavy and large-capacity transport, modernize transport infrastructure, and accelerate grid connections.”

Bärbel Heidebroek, President of the Federal Association for Wind Energy, said that “the record awards and new approvals illustrate the great effectiveness of the reforms of recent years. In this way, wind energy continues to expand its leading role as the most important energy source in the German electricity mix. This makes it even more important to maintain this momentum at a high level in the next legislative period. Now, there should be no breaking point. With the record results for 2024, the EEG expansion targets are within reach. Now, the grids must be ready for this as soon as possible. There is still much room for improvement here. Existing capacities must be used more efficiently and, above all, more intelligently. The ability to simultaneously connect wind energy, photovoltaics, and storage to individual grid connection points must come as soon as possible. The goal is a flexible, powerful, and intelligent grid. A grid expansion offensive and the improvement of the entire infrastructure are needed to allow for the expansion and connection of these record volumes.”


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