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Archivo Windplan Groen

New lighting system in Dutch wind turbines starts testing phase

Windplan Groen has started practical testing of the Aircraft Detection System (ADLS) at its wind farms in the Holland. This innovative system aims to reduce the constant illumination of red lights on wind turbines, a request from many local residents.

Reducing nighttime light pollution

The ADLS allows red lights on wind turbines to remain off during the evening and night, turning on only when low-flying aircraft, such as small planes and helicopters, approach. White lights will continue to operate during the day as usual. The system's equipment has already been installed, and extensive testing is expected to take several weeks.

Balancing safety and local concerns

Red and white lights are mandatory for all wind turbines exceeding a tip height of 150 meters to ensure air traffic safety. During the day, white lights are used, while red lights are activated in the evening and night. The introduction of ADLS technology at Windplan Groen represents a compromise between maintaining aviation safety and minimizing disturbances for local residents.


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