Several applications have been received for both permits to build a wind farm on sites Alpha and Beta in the Ijmuiden Ver Wind Farme Zone in the North Sea, based on the Netherlands Entreprise Agency (RVO). Each site is capable of generating a minimum of 2 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind energy.
Rendering 14% of existing electricity consumption environmentally sustainable
The combined 4 GW output from IJmuiden Ver Alpha and Beta is sufficient to render 14% of the Netherlands' present electricity consumption more eco-friendly. Furthermore, it nearly doubles the existing offshore wind energy capacity of 4.7 GW. Consequently, the tender for these wind farms represents the largest capacity allocation in the history of offshore wind projects in the Netherlands. To put this in perspective, the previous largest tender round was for Hollandse Kust West, with an approximate capacity of 1.5 GW.
Evaluation of applications
Wind farm developers have submitted application for permits for the construction and operation of a wind farm in site Alpha and/or Beta. RVO is now assessing the applications together with two expert committees. This process relies on a set of qualitative criteria, taking into account factors such as the expertise and experience of the parties engaged in wind farm construction, as well as the degree of circularity (recyclability) of the wind farm. Each criterion offers the opportunity for applicants to accumulate points. Ultimately, the permits will be awarded to the applicants who attain the highest point totals.
Focus on environmental considerations and integration within the energy infrastructure
Additional criteria were established for the Alpha and Beta sites to incentivize solution-focused and innovative proposals. At the Alpha site, particular emphasis was placed on the preservation of North Sea ecosystems: does the wind farm contribute to enhancing and revitalizing underwater biodiversity? Conversely, at the Beta site, one of the supplementary criteria involved evaluating the wind farm's role in integrating electricity into the Dutch energy grid. This may include facilitating hydrogen production alongside electricity generation.
Announcement of the winners
The Minister for Climate and Energy anticipates unveiling the winners of the permits in June 2024. This announcement will determine the developers authorized to construct and manage the wind farms at sites Alpha and Beta. Operations are projected to commence supplying power to the Netherlands by 2029 or 2030. Meanwhile, RVO aims to issue the permit for the third site (Gamma) in the IJVWFZ in 2025, where a wind farm of approximately 2 GW capacity is slated for construction.
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