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Wind power leads renewable energy employment in France

A new report by France Renouvelables, produced in partnership with Capgemini Invent, notes that with a total of 28,266 jobs in France, wind energy is the leading employer in the renewable energy sector in France, and a key driver of sustainable job creation in the regions.

In 2022, wind power accounted for 9% of French electricity production. The Observatoire de l'éolien 2023 reveals that number of jobs mentioned represents an increase of 11% compared to 2021, and more than 40% since 2019. These jobs are supported by around 900 companies involved in all aspects of the wind energy industry, forming a diversified industrial fabric.

According to the report, these companies range in size from very small firms to large industrial groups. Strongly rooted in the regions, these companies contribute to structuring employment in the regions by positioning themselves in a market of the future, the development of which is guided by the Programmation Pluriannuelle de l'Energie (PPE). According to France Renouvelables' analysis, this new law should specify the volumes in the coming months.

Furthermore, the document states that the development of the offshore sector, with the commissioning of the first wind farm in Saint-Nazaire, makes a significant contribution to employment, plays an active role in the reindustrialization of the country and positions French players on the export market to make offshore wind a sector of excellence.

Five sectors in France will receive special support: heat pumps, wind turbines, photovoltaic panels, green hydrogen and electric batteries. This bill complements the France 2030 plan, one of the objectives of which is to develop cutting-edge renewable energy technologies.

Between now and 2030, more than 40,000 direct jobs will be created thanks to the measures adopted, the number of industrial sites to be created within 9 months will be divided by 2, 23 billion euros will be invested, and the deployment of these solutions will make it possible to avoid 41 million tons of CO2.


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