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In 2022, hydrogen accounted for less than 2 % of Europe’s energy consumption, with the largest share of demand coming from refineries.

EU’s hydrogen ambitions at risk: Can 2030 goals be achieved?

A report by the European Court of Auditors highlights that the EU is unlikely to meet its 2030 targets for renewable hydrogen production and import. Despite positive steps, challenges persist across...
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Hydrogen boost: Germany supports the implementation of 23 innovative projects

The projects combine technology and end-users with renewable hydrogen production and infrastructure, 30 percent co-financed by the Länder, totalling 4.6 billion euros in joint federal and state...
Source: EET

Essar Energy to develop pioneering hydrogen-fuelled plant at UK refinery

The company announces the launch of EET Hydrogen Power, 'Europe’s first hydrogen-ready combined heat and power plant' to be built at its Stanlow refinery, with the aim of completing construction in...
Robert Habeck. Source: BMWK - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Germany to import 259,000 tonnes of green ammonia from Egypt by 2027

The German government has announced the results of the first round of tenders for the import of green hydrogen products under the H2Global programme. The green ammonia is expected to be imported...
Archivo Gobierno de Perú

Gobierno peruano ratifica plan para producir hidrógeno verde en Arequipa

Con capacidad de 180 MW, la construcción de la planta de hidrógeno verde, será la más grande de Sudamérica en un terreno de 4.000 hectáreas, respaldada por una inversión irlandesa de 2.300...
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South Wales hosts UK's first offshore hydrogen production trials

The initiative has been launched by ERM and Dolphyn Hydrogen in Pembroke Port. These trials, which follow six years of development, combines electrolysis, desalination, and hydrogen production on a...
Twitter Hydrogen Europe | X: @H2Europe

Hydrogen Europe signs agreement to enhance the visibility of women in the industry

Hydrogen Europe and Women in Green Hydrogen are partnering to boost women's influence and visibility in the hydrogen sector, focusing on equal panels and highlighting achievements in Hydrogen Europe...
Ministerio de Minas y Energía de Brasil

Brasil impulsa producción de hidrógeno verde con apoyo de Iberdrola

Así lo ha asegurado Alexandre Silveira en su visita a la planta de Iberdrola en Puertollano, donde también recibió el interés de Ignacio Galán en el mercado de hidrógeno verde en Brasil.

EU greenlights 3 billion German aid for Hydrogen Core Network development

The HCN will be the backbone of long-distance transport pipelines for hydrogen in Germany and part of the European hydrogen backbone connecting several Member States.
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Unlocking hydrogen potential for Europe's energy transition

Exploring hydrogen production methods, the Q2 edition of the Hydrogen Europe Quarterly magazine highlights Europe's journey towards net zero by 2050 and the critical role of competitiveness and...
Nordex Electrolyzers

Nordex Electrolyzers fabrica en España su primer electrolizador alcalino de 500 kW

Se trata de un electrolizador alcalino presurizado de 500 kW, diseñado, fabricado y ensamblado íntegramente en Navarra, España.
Archivo Go Energy

Las compañías GO ENERGY GROUP y TSK sellan una alianza estratégica para el desarrollo de dos proyectos de hidrógeno y amoniaco verde en España

La colaboración entre GO ENERGY GROUP y TSK abarca desde el diseño hasta la ejecución de plantas industriales innovadoras, fortaleciendo la posición de España en el mapa de la energía verde...

MITECO presenta a audiencia pública el proyecto de ayudas para valles de hidrógeno renovable

La iniciativa, financiada por fondos NextGenEU y el mecanismo RePowerEU, busca fomentar la producción y consumo a gran escala de hidrógeno renovable para integrarlo en el mix energético español y...
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H2Global's second call for proposals to boost green hydrogen market in Germany

The BMWK is conducting a public consultation to design the second call for proposals under the H2Global program. This initiative will help close the €470 billion investment gap needed for Europe's...

Inaugurada la oficina H2-Diplo en Colombia para el impulso del hidrógeno verde

Colombia ha inaugurado la oficina H2-Diplo, la primera de su tipo en la región y financiada por Alemania, con el objetivo de promover el uso del hidrógeno verde y contribuir al avance de la...
Archivo Canva

Freeport East secures £1.44 million for innovative green hydrogen maritime project in UK

The investment supports the Hydrogen Zero Emission Maritime project, funded by the UK and Australia, focusing on green hydrogen for high-powered maritime vessels.