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German Economy Minister Robert Habeck. | Source: BMWK

Germany earmarks over 3 billion euros for green hydrogen imports from 2027 onwards

The Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) has announced the allocation of up to 3.53 billion euros from the Climate and Transformation Fund for the years 2027 to 2036 for the procurement of green hydrogen and its derivatives from different importing regions.

According to German Economy Minister Robert Habeck, "Germany is working on building a viable hydrogen market. Green hydrogen will be a crucial energy source in the future. From the end of this decade we want to be able to import significant quantities of hydrogen for our industry and energy supply. In close cooperation with the European Hydrogen Bank, we are accelerating hydrogen development together with the Netherlands and opening up attractive cooperation offers to partner countries."

The central idea is the so-called "double auction model". This bridges the gap between two prices, i.e. the highest price of hydrogen on the global market and the lowest price at which hydrogen can be resold regionally and used economically.

According to the federal government, an international auction for the purchase of green hydrogen is planned. The cheapest bidder will receive a long-term purchase contract. This will give suppliers planning security for future investments in hydrogen production.

In a second auction, the quantities of hydrogen thus purchased will be sold to EU customers at a competitive price, which in turn will provide them with planning security for investments in hydrogen use.


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