ACER proposes modifications to the HVDC Network Code to adapt to the new EU electricity sector
The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) has presented its recommendations to the European Commission for modifying the HVDC Network Code, which sets binding rules for connecting high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems and direct current (DC) connected power park modules to the grid.
ACER’s recommendation aims to address changes in the EU electricity sector, focusing on the growing role of offshore wind farm modules, demand facilities, gas power units (such as electrolyzers for renewable hydrogen), electricity storage, and HVDC systems connecting isolated AC networks.
Among the proposed measures is expanding the scope of the Network Code to include new offshore demand installations, power-to-gas facilities (mainly electrolysers), offshore electricity storage, and HVDC systems connecting isolated AC networks.
ACER also suggests introducing technical requirements for new offshore demand installations, energy-to-gas conversion facilities (primarily electrolyzers), and offshore electricity storage to support both interconnected and offshore systems.
In December 2023, ACER recommended modifying the Grid Codes regarding connection requirements for generators and demand connection. To ensure consistency in grid connection standards and address new system needs (such as offshore grids and new system users like storage and demand installations), ACER initiated the process of modifying the HVDC Regulation.
The agency expects the European Commission to adopt the Grid Code in alignment with the Electricity Regulation.
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