Renewables reached 30% of Belgium's energy mix in 2024
Renewable energy generation in Belgium reached its highest level to date in 2024, accounting nearly 30% of the electricity mix compared to just over 28% in 2023.
According to figures published by the grid operator Elia, it was solar energy that drove this growth, with a 23% increase in installed capacity.
In contrast, gas-fired generation reached a historic low, accounting for 17.6% of the generation mix (compared to 25.2% in 2023 and 26.9% in 2022).
The share of nuclear energy in the electricity mix also fell for the fourth consecutive year.
As for international exchanges, these also increased, with over 44.5 TWh traded. Net imports from France reached 12.6 TWh.
On the consumption side, electricity consumption began to rise slowly again, surpassing 80.5 TWh (compared to 78.9 TWh in 2023).
Prices fell by an average of 28% compared to 2023, but remained higher than before the gas crisis.
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