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File Solar Steel

Solar Steel signs a 27MW deal for the first supply of its 2P Compact trackers in Spain

Solar Steel has announced a deal to supply 27MW of its new 2P solar trackers, TracSmarT+2P Compact, marking the first project in Spain to use this technology.

The project will be developed in the municipalities of Llardecans and La Granadella, in eastern Spain, where over 40,000 high-generation modules will be supported by Solar Steel's 2P trackers. This solar park will help avoid the emission of more than 13,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year.

With this project, Solar Steel strengthens its commitment to developing efficient solutions focused on customer needs. The company, which has been at the forefront of solar technology, reaffirms its position as one of the leading suppliers and manufacturers in the sector. 

The project is expected to be in its final commissioning and operational phase by the second half of 2025, providing clean energy and revitalizing the area with its positive impact.


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