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Source:Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey | Energy Minister Alparslan Bayraktar.

Turkish government finalized a 1,200 MW wind energy auction

The Renewable Energy Resource Area (YEKA) wind auction for 2024, organized by Turkey's Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, has concluded, unlocking a $1.2 billion investment in wind power. The auction covered five projects with a total capacity of 1,200 MW across Edirne, Kirklareli, and Sivas.

Energy Minister Alparslan Bayraktar highlighted the auction's significance in demonstrating confidence in Turkey's energy sector, economy, and growth. He noted that demand for the 1,200 MW capacity was 18 times higher than the available allocation, making for a highly competitive bidding process.

The winning bids came from four companies, with Enerjisa Üretim emerging as the biggest winner, securing 750 MW across two projects. The remaining capacity was awarded to RT Enerji, Efor Holding, and ADY Akdeniz.


Source:  Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey


Minister Bayraktar emphasized the long-term benefits of the project, stating that the new wind power plants will supply electricity to 2 million households. He also noted that over the next 20 years, Turkey could save approximately $8 billion by reducing natural gas imports through these renewable energy investments.

A total of 100 bids were received from 40 different companies, including both domestic and foreign capital firms. Winning companies will initially sell the electricity they generate in the free market for 72 months. After this period, the energy produced will be supplied to the national grid at a predetermined price for the next 20 years.

Turkey continues to expand its renewable energy targets, with a goal of increasing its installed wind and solar power capacity from the current 33,000 MW to 120,000 MW by 2035. Minister Bayraktar reaffirmed the government’s commitment to localizing equipment used in renewable energy projects and ensuring competitive pricing for consumers.

With this latest YEKA auction, Turkey takes another significant step towards energy independence and a more sustainable future.



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