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Wind energy leads in 2024: Great Britain achieves its highest generation ever

In 2024, renewables generated more than 50% of the electricity in Great Britain, with wind energy leading, reaching a record share of 30% of the total, according to the latest report from NESO.

Increasing tariffs and tax changes impact the U.S. solar market: Dana Albella of LONGi explains how to adapt

In an exclusive interview with Review Energy, Dana Albella, Head of Strategic Accounts dpt. & Cross Regional US of LONGi discusses how rising tariffs and tax changes are reshaping the U.S. solar market and shares strategies to stay competitive.

IRENA llama a fortalecer las infraestructuras eléctricas para acelerar la descarbonización

La colaboración entre gobiernos, sector privado y entidades financieras será esencial para fortalecer la infraestructura eléctrica y de almacenamiento, asegurando el objetivo de triplicar las energías renovables para 2030, advierte un nuevo análisis de IRENA.

Portugal rompe récords de producción renovable en 2024

Con una producción récord de 36,7 TWh, las energías renovables abastecieron el 71% del consumo eléctrico de Portugal en 2024, según REN.

BOEM launches call for nominations to identify offshore wind leasing areas in Guam

With this public call, BOEM aims to identify areas where the development of offshore wind energy would have the least impact, moving Guam closer to its goal of generating 50% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2035.

Diciembre dispara la demanda eléctrica en España

La demanda de energía eléctrica en España aumentó un 1,5% en diciembre, según los últimos datos de Red Eléctrica. Durante este mes, las energías renovables generaron 10.798 GWh, lo que representa el 47,6% del mix, con la eólica liderando.

ACER proposes modifications to the HVDC Network Code to adapt to the new EU electricity sector

Among the measures proposed by ACER to the European Commission is the inclusion of new offshore demand installations, offshore electricity storage, and HVDC systems that connect isolated AC networks.

Renewables reached 30% of Belgium's energy mix in 2024

According to the grid operator Elia, solar energy drove this growth, setting records with a 23% increase in installed capacity.

TRIG to supply wind power for the construction of a green hydrogen plant in France

Hyd'Occ is currently under construction, and its commissioning is scheduled for 2025. Once operational, it is expected to be capable of producing 3,000 tons of renewable hydrogen per year.

El mercado de vehículos electrificados en España se desploma en 2024

Las matriculaciones de vehículos electrificados cierran 2024 con una caída del 3,9%, alcanzando las 133.699 unidades. Los particulares fueron los que tiraron del mercado de turismos eléctricos 100%, con un aumento del 40% en sus compras, según datos de AEDIVE y GANVAM.

Clean energy in the US: Key achievements of the DOE in 2024

The United States Department of Energy invested over $20 billion in clean energy in 2024, fostering job creation in the sector and national manufacturing.

Ormat launches a 20 MW storage plant in New Jersey

According to the company, this 20 MW BESS will provide ancillary services on the merchant market to PJM and is expected to qualify for a 30% investment tax credit.

The EU achieves the cleanest energy generation mix in history

Renewables contributed 48% of the EU power generation mix in 2024. Hydroelectric and photovoltaic solar electricity increased significantly by more than 40 TWh year-on-year, which is equivalent to the entire annual electricity demand of Denmark, according to Eurelectric.

Brasil aprueba ley para fortalecer el sector de biocombustibles y mejorar su regulación

La ley incluye a las plantas de producción certificadas y a los proveedores de materias primas en el sistema de distribución de los Créditos de Descarbonización (CBIO), modifica las reglas para la retirada de biodiesel y refuerza la fiscalización del sector, aumentando las multas para quienes no cumplan con los objetivos de descarbonización.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel Mandate becomes law in the UK

The new law mandates that SAF must represent at least 2% of all aircraft fuel for flights departing from the UK starting in 2025. This percentage will increase year by year to reach 10% in 2030 and 22% by 2040.

Grid-scale battery projects in France: A promising outlook according to Aurora Energy Research

Aurora Energy Research forecasts a 2% increase in IRR for investors in gird-scale battery projects, driven by aFRR prices and the TURPE 7 tariff, offering new investment opportunities.

RWE launches one of its largest onshore wind farms in Italy

San Severo, with a capacity of 54 MW, located in the province of Foggia, in San Severo, consists of 12 turbines and will supply electricity to up to 55,000 Italian households.

China Three Gorges compra una planta solar de 494 MWp en España

Qualitas Energy ha vendido a China Three Gorges Spain uno de los mayores proyectos fotovoltaicos de Europa. Se trata de la planta solar Mula, ubicada en Murcia y con una capacidad instalada de 494 MWp

República Dominicana y Francia unen fuerzas para impulsar la transición energética

El Ministerio de Energía y Minas de República Dominicana (MEM) y la Agencia Francesa de Desarrollo (AFD) han acordado poner en marcha un programa de cooperación técnica para apoyar proyectos renovables, con especial atención a la energía hidroeléctrica.

Annual investment of 1.5 trillion dollars: Key to tripling renewable capacity by 2030

According to the latest IRENA report, it is necessary to triple investment and achieve a minimum annual growth of 16.2% to reach the goal of tripling renewable capacity by 2030.

Vestas consigue contrato para la repotenciación de dos parques eólicos en España

Iberdrola ha firmado un contrato de 99 MW con Vestas para repotenciar dos parques eólicos en Castilla-La Mancha. Se instalarán 22 nuevas turbinas que reemplazarán las 139 actuales, lo que incrementará la producción energética total en un 30%.

OX2 wins over 200 MW contracts in Polish government auctions

The company has secured contracts for electricity sales in Polish government auctions, receiving support for a 165 MW solar park and a 40 MW wind park.

Las energías renovables alcanzan el 10% de la producción nacional en Perú

El Ministerio de Energía y Minas informó que la energía generada con recursos renovables en Perú alcanzó el 10.6% de la producción nacional en octubre de 2024, con la solar y la eólica liderando este crecimiento.

Ocean Winds and Banque des Territoires lead France's first major floating offshore wind project in the Mediterranean

The French government has awarded Ocean Winds and Banque des Territoires a 250 MW floating offshore wind project in the Mediterranean Sea, which will produce approximately 1 TWh of clean electricity per year, enough to supply nearly 500,000 people.